Thursday, December 30, 2010

Melted snowman cookies

It's been a pretty frigid winter thus far - and it's only the beginning. Yikes!

Here are some melted snowman cookies that I made.

I originally saw them from Smashed Peas and Carrots, go here for the recipe and directions.

I have a feeling that people in certain parts of the country really wish they had some snow melting!

Enjoy! And stay warm out there! :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fabric headband

Christmas is over. It went by too fast - as usual. Now maybe I can get back to some non-gift-giving-craftiness, and get back to sharing some easy tutorials with you. That's my plan anyway - but please don't hold me to it. :)

Here's an easy little fabric headband that I made for Ry-pie.

You'll need:
Some fabric. I used a 1/4 yard and could have made a couple. You'd probably be fine with at least an 1/8 yard
Rotary cutter
3/4" elastic (length varies to your size of headband)
Sewing machine and thread

Cut out your fabric. This one was 4" wide and 16" long.

Hem each long side. Fold over each long side 1/4" and iron...

Fold over another 1/4", iron and pin. Do this for both long sides.

Sew up each long side, close to the folded edge.

Take a 2" piece of fabric (mine being 8" long) and fold in half, right sides together. Sew long sides together, backstitching at the beginning and end.

Turn material inside out as shown here to create a tube. Cut elastic piece. (This one being 4").

Place safety pin on one end of elastic and feed it through the tube.

You're fabric should be completely scrunched up onto the elastic like this. Attach you safety pin to one end of the elastic AND the fabric so they are pinned together. **Keep your finger on the other end of elastic and fabric so your elastic doesn't go back into the tube. **

Place the unpinned side of the elastic (making sure the edge of the elastic is lined up with the edge of your tube) seam side up onto the right side of the wider headband fabric.

Fold over the right side of the wider fabric to overlap the elastic and fabric tube piece.

Fold over the left side of the wider fabric just as before so it overlaps the elastic, the tube and the other side of the wide fabric.

Stitch over all layers to secure.

I like to use a zig-zag stitch a few times, backstitching at the beginning and the end just to make sure everything is nice a secure.

This is what your newly sewn side will look like when you flip it over.

Now take your pinned edge of elastic and place it on the un-sewn edge of the wide piece. Line up the edges of the elastic, the tube and the wide piece -right sides together - just like before.

Overlap pieces so wrong sides are facing up again.

Zig-zag stitch one more time across all layers like shown.

Flip your headband so the right side is facing out and you're done.

Thanks for checking it out!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Homemade ornaments

I've had every intention of sharing with you, all sorts of Christmas crafts and pretty homemade gifts I've been making. Obviously, that has happened. I blame life - not my laziness! ;)

I wanted to try and hand make a lot of Christmas gifts this year. I've done pretty good, almost finished.

Here are some cute little handmade ornaments we made for Cal J's teachers and the grandparents.

We took some white colored flannel and I had Cal J draw a picture on the front and sign his name on the back using fabric markers. I cut out a star shape, machine stitched around the star shape, stuffed it with some batting, added a ribbon for hanging and sewed shut. I used pinking shears to trim around the stitched edges.

Homemade, featuring my little guy's art. And did I mention it's simple AND easy? That's what I like about it the most!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Snow day!

This is what I woke up to this morning! And granted - I'm sure you all know what snow looks like, I just can't help but sharing.

Needless to say, Cal J is having a snow day. I'm looking forward to a whole lot of nothing today. With the exception of snowball throwing, hot chocolate drinking, some sweet treat making, and maybe some snuggling - if I'm lucky!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fortune cookie ornaments

I read this tutorial for making these adorable little fortune cookie ornaments last year. I never got around to making them until now. Super easy!

In her post she talks about how she makes an ornament each year for each of her kids. That way, when they move out/get married they have their own set of ornaments to decorate their tree with. Great idea!!! I'm going to try this idea too -

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Candy Cane Cake Pops!

Have you ever heard of Cake Pops? Oh man, OH MAN! I had never tried them until this past weekend when they gave them out at a birthday party we went to. They are super fantastic. I made them following the recipe from Bakerella shown here.

Mine don't even come close to how cute or perfect hers are, but they still taste good, and that's good enough for me.

Start off with your packaged cake mix (any flavor you choose). Cook according to the package instructions. Let cool completely then crumble into fine crumbs in a large bowl.

Take your frosting. She recommends using the cream cheese flavor so of course I did too.

Use about 3/4 of the container of frosting.

Mix together.

Take a tablespoon or so of your cake mixture and roll into a ball.

Place in freezer for 30 minutes to firm up a bit.

This is where I try to add a Christmasy spin to them.

Meanwhile, take some candy canes...

Place in a bag. And let out all your aggressions by pounding those candy canes into tiny little bits.

There you go. Feel better?

Take your chocolate chips, or melting wafers, or almond bark, or whatever, and melt until smooth.

Dip your cake into the chocolate.

Put on a baking sheet lined with wax paper.

While the chocolate is still wet sprinkle on your peppermint pieces.

Or try some dark chocolate with holiday sprinkles.