Friday, April 2, 2010

Satin petal headband

I got this inspiration from the cover of one of the Pottery Barn kids catalogue. A little girl was wearing a super sweet little floral headband, (which of course was not for sale) so I decided to see if I'd be able to whip one up......and ta-dah! You like? I know I do!

(And let me apologize in advance for the lack of tutorial pictures. I didn't take very many during the making of the headband.)

First, I just cut several petals from some satin fabric. I used 16 petals for this flower.

Satin will fray, so I just took a lighter and (very lightly) heat sealed all around the edges. note: be careful not to apply too much heat to the edges because you don't want them to singe. Unless you like the burnt edged look and if so, just disregard. :)

Next, just layer each petal overlapping and overlapping until you reach your desired design. And then just hand stitch together.

Then I took a rectangular strip of the satin (heat sealed)...

and twisted it.

Then I just coiled it up as shown below. (And excuse the extremely, and kind of gross looking finger nail. I had just peeled Caleb and orange and some of the pith was stuck underneath.....gross I know). And sew this onto the center of your flower.

I attached mine to a green ribbon headband I made. But it could be glued onto a clip to attach to any type of headband.

It kind of reminds me of a lotus flower. I like it and will be perfect with Ry-pie's Easter dress.

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