Saturday, July 17, 2010

a little bit of pics

Besides crafting, I also have a fondness for photography. I'm by no means a great photographer (or even a good one for that matter), but I have been trying to work on my photography skills.

I've been reading up as much as I can (thank you internet!). But mostly, I've just had to practice, practice, practice.

I definitely prefer shooting with natural light. I've totally become a no-using-flash-snob. Oh well!

Caleb's been having golf lessons at a park once a week. So while he's busy practicing his golf swing, Ry-pie has been gracious enough to participate in my little "practice" sessions.

Here are a few of my favorite photos that I took last week.

And these two were taken during a tiny little water balloon fight we had. Although, I don't think you can call it much of a fight when CalJ was the only participant. ha!


  1. Love them! Do you have a "real" camera?

  2. Haha! YES!!! I was lucky enough to get one awhile back. You know, the fancy kind with interchangeable lenses and camera hoods and all kinds of bells and whistles. lol. I already have my eye on the mac-daddy of cameras that I want to get next, but, that won't be for a LONG while.
