Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fabric Bows (for ties or hair)

An opera group visited Cal J's school today. His teacher thought it would be cute for his class to dress-up in fancy little opera attire. We don't do suits, or anything remotely close to opera attire in this household. I didn't want to buy anything special so I thought and thought. Bow-ties!!! Of course. He had a button-up shirt and some slacks already so all I had to do was make a super cute (and easy) bow-tie. I found the BEST tutorial from A Lemon Squeezy Home for her bow-ties.

It came out so incredibly cute. I had to make one for Ry-pie - as a hair accessory of course!! I followed the exact same tutorial for the regular bow-tie and just attached it to an elastic headband. Easy and cute.

I want to make one for myself next.

I try not to ask my kids to say "cheese". This is the kind of face they make if I do. And in all of Cal J's cuteness, he kind of looks like a banquet waiter. ha! Notice the glasses? Those are new too. I think they make him look quite studious. :)

Wow. I've accomplished two back to back posts this week. Can I go for three??

Thanks for stopping in!

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