Thursday, January 12, 2012

Crinkle Sensory Toy

Our little miss Shelb's has been fascinated with the wrappers that hold baby wipes. I guess it's the sound she likes? Anyways, I figured it would be pretty easy to put together a more "baby-friendly" sensory toy for her. Using the wipe wrapper of course!

The best part is, you can totally use scraps, and make it any size you want! I even added some ribbon detail, kinda like the ones on those little Taggie blankets.

What you need:
2 pieces of material
An empty baby wipes refill
Some ribbon
Sewing machine, and thread

I cut out my scrap pieces to measure 5x10". The ribbon measured anywhere from 3-6". I cut several pieces of ribbon, but in the end, only used four pieces.

Place your fabric pieces right side together. Take your ribbon piece and fold in half. Insert the ribbon, folded edge first, so it's "sandwiched" between your fabric. Pin in place.

Sew all the way around, making sure you leave a two inch opening on one end. Backstitch at the beginning and the end.

Trim around the edges, clipping the angles off the corners, but be careful not to cut through your stitching. Turn right-side out.

This is what it will look like when you turn it. Don't be like me, iron your creation. ;)

Cut your wrapper to fit inside of your fabric. Stuff the wrapper in, through the 2" opening you left un-sewn.

Topstitch around the entire rectangle, making sure that the open part gets sewn shut.

There you have it! A simple little crinkle toy to keep your little one entertained!

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