Monday, August 27, 2012

Rainbow Cakes and a Birthday

We celebrated somebody turning 1 over a week ago. I can't believe a year has already passed that our little Shelb's was born. For Cal J and Ry-pie's 1st birthday's we always kept it small, sticking with family and close friends. Since the fam is back in NM we just spent a low-key day with Josh, myself, and the kiddos. It was quite nice, actually. No party to worry about, no "theme" to think of. Just us. I did make her cupcakes, at least. Rainbow cupcakes! If you can use a box mix and add food coloring, you can make these treats! Check out the recipe here.

Even pretty without the frosting. 
A swirl of frosting to top it off. 

What a colorful mess!
Our happy girl, enjoying her gifts. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sister Dolls

Hi there! I feel like I've been away from here forever. I guess it has been quite awhile. I've been spending all my time with the kiddos, soaking up the sun, and enjoying summer. 

I've been wanting to share this for awhile now, and just finally made the time.

I bought the cutie on the left for Ry-pie, the year she was born. She's been pulled at, drooled on, and loved on a lot. I felt is was only right to get a similar doll for Shelb's. Sister dolls, if you will. 

I contacted Dianne again (who made the first one), from EMMI'S COTTAGE on Etsy, and she was willing to whip up little sister for us. She was wonderful! I was able to choose the hair, the expression, the dress. She came out so sweet...and we love her. 

Thanks Dianne! 

Sister Dolls 

I sure hope Ry-pie and her sister are able to get along this well! :)