Monday, August 27, 2012

Rainbow Cakes and a Birthday

We celebrated somebody turning 1 over a week ago. I can't believe a year has already passed that our little Shelb's was born. For Cal J and Ry-pie's 1st birthday's we always kept it small, sticking with family and close friends. Since the fam is back in NM we just spent a low-key day with Josh, myself, and the kiddos. It was quite nice, actually. No party to worry about, no "theme" to think of. Just us. I did make her cupcakes, at least. Rainbow cupcakes! If you can use a box mix and add food coloring, you can make these treats! Check out the recipe here.

Even pretty without the frosting. 
A swirl of frosting to top it off. 

What a colorful mess!
Our happy girl, enjoying her gifts. 

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