Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Washer" Art

I'm slowly piecing the house together getting ready for baby number 3. Less then 6 weeks to go!
After Cal J and Ry-pies's room switch - Cal J's room has been lacking in the "wall hanging" department. I saw this fantastic idea to use washers (you know, from the hardware store) to create a design on a canvas. I love it!

The supplies:
Spray paint (optional)
Washers (various sizes)
Glue (I used E6000)

I've been slightly obsessed with spray paint these days - so anything (and everything) that I can spray paint I will. I spray painted the whole canvas first and let dry.

Josh doesn't think it's a good idea in my "condition" to be spray painting items. But rest assured, I always do it in a well ventilated area and do my best to not inhale . :)

After the paint dries I just placed my washers in their desired place and glued them on. That's it! A "C" for Cal J. His nonchalant response when I showed him: "cool mom". I wanted a little bit more excitement, oh well, either way I LOVE how it turned out.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh. I love his room! Such a big boy room. The washer idea is awesome!
